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Katerina Down

My journey into music and sounds

I've been fascinated by music and musical instruments of all sorts since I was a child. However, I didn't fit in the conventional schooling system and my music teachers were not  very happy with me and didn't enable me to pursue my passion.
It was only in my thirties that I rediscovered my hidden passion and talents and started aquiring musical instruments and finding ways of connecting to them. 
In the process of developing my musicall skills I had to let go of my old believes I had about music.
I learnt to play from the heart rather than music sheets. 
I found the silence within and the music that comes from the silence. 
I learnt that in the absence of fear, judgement and expectations, the music just comes out naturally. 
The music is within all of us, in fact, we are the music. 

My first instrument was a native American style flute made specificaly for me by my dear friend Willow Freeman. 
While learning about me he could hear the sound of my flute before he even made it. 

Later a small harp stole my heart and a beutiful didgeridoo found me and my collection started to grow. 
Now, I play variety of instruments including strings, percussion, flutes, gongs and singing bowls. 
I also discovered the power of voice and song which is deepening and growing.
I tone and sing overtones in my sessions and sometimes even whole songs or chants come through. 

My music and singing helped me so much on my path of self inquiry.  Music and sound have been guiding me to inner peace, acceptance and the truth.
My wish is now to share the magic of sound with other people.  To help them find the silence, peace and music within. 

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My background

Most things I studied in life were related to physical and mental health, education and self growth as these are my highest excitement in life. 

I have a teaching diploma but spent very little time teaching in regular schools. 

I've been home schooling my own children and also running various sessions like yoga, mindfullness, music and movement for small groups of kids . 


I also have NLP Master practitioner and hypnotherapy diploma as well as diploma in remedial massage, reflexology and Reiky. 

I have a very keen interest in TCM and regularly practise yoga, Qigong, meditation breathwork and mindfullness.


 I do bring elements of all those in my sessions. 

Richard Down 


is a Shaman healer with a professional background in psychotherapy; a master practitioner in Neurolinguistics and Hypnosis.
His work has evolved over the years to work with spirit and the energetic body. Aided by a powerful encounter with indigenous maestro shaman Antonio Vasquez Gallaretta from the Shipibo tribe of medicine healers in the upper Amazon, Peru, he sings Icaro- sacred healing songs to effect healing on a spiritual, physical and emotional level.
Shaman Richard’s Icaros are sung directly into the Chakras or energy centers of the body. The songs come from spirit and use Shipibo vocals, pure sound and healing frequencies.
He skilfully works with these healing song and sound frequencies, combining psychology and philosophy to empower individuals and groups of people.


You can learn more about Richard and his work at

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